[mythtvnz] Is it finally time to say goodbye to MythTV

Criggie criggie at criggie.org.nz
Tue Aug 28 00:05:43 BST 2018

I've moved house - the myth backend is in the rack but no network over
there, no satellite dish, and no urgent need to get it done.

The kids have found Subnautica recordings on youtube instead, and the
other half is too busy doing unpacking to watch TV.

As for TVs I've merely used them as big monitors.  So if you want a new TV
just go for it, and consider making the mythtv decision later.

Personally I'd consider building with a HDHomerun and a DVB T setup now,
but  that hasn't got to the top of the list... things like "fix squeaky
doors",  "run ethernet through house", and "find the damn cheese grater"  
are much higher priority.

Personally, I haven't watched TV for years.  Its always been something for
the rest of the family.

Toby Mills wrote:
> I’ve been a long time MythTV user. Since version 12 back in the days of
> analog capture cards and sky ir diodes. It’s been a wild ride.
> Last night my faithful MythTV box gave up the ghost. It’s been
> threatening
> for a while but it looks like the power supply died and took out the ssd
> boot, motherboard and also hard disk.
> The box is six years old and it’s my 4th box in all those years.
> My question is, is it now at the point where myth is no longer needed.
> Faced with the prospect of dropping the best part of a grand on a new box
> as well as precious time to rebuild (I have a newborn).
> My TV is also as old and is showing its age so it’s really time to get
> rid of the 50kg plasma as well.
> Modern smart tv’s seem to have all of the features and more of myth so
> apart from auto ad detection and the feeling of sticking it to the man, is
> it actually at the point where myth is no longer needed.
> I’m looking at a Panasonic oled.
> Would be interested in the groups thoughts.
> Toby.
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