[mythtvnz] mhegepgsnoop problem

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Thu Sep 28 04:04:35 BST 2017

I seem to be getting this issue about once in a while and it lasts a week
because mheg data triggering it is present for that long.

Not being a python person I haven't a clue...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/mhegepgsnoop-0.6.1.py", line 1611, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/mhegepgsnoop-0.6.1.py", line 772, in main
    download2(the_pid, datablocks, module_numbers, dmxfd, demux_filter)
  File "/usr/local/bin/mhegepgsnoop-0.6.1.py", line 1147, in download2
IOError: [Errno 75] Value too large for defined data type

Robin Gilks

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