[mythtvnz] EPG stops on Friday

me 08004us at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 18:49:25 GMT 2017

Thank you Robert, Just what was needed!


On 3/11/2017 7:30 PM, Robert Fisher wrote:
>       These are the notes that I used when I first setup my system:-
> 1) Download tv_grab_nz-py from http://nice.net.nz/tv_grab_nz-py/
> 2) Copy tv_grab_nz-py to /usr/local/bin.  Make sure that it is 
> executable. (sudo chmod +x tv_grab_nz-py)
> 3) Configure it. Note that the configuration file name must match that
> name of the video source configured in mythtv-setup for the
> mythbackend/mythfilldatabase to use this grabber.
> tv_grab_nz-py --configure --config-file ~/.mythtv/<video sources 
> name>.xmltv
> Step 3 had some problems for me but it was overcome by copying and 
> editing another <video sources name>.xmltv
> You also need to symlink otherwise mythfilldatabase will not work 
> automatically (it uses the user mythtv)
> sudo ln -s //home/yourusername//.mythtv/Freeview.xmltv 
> //home/mythtv//.mythtv/Freeview.xmltv
> 4) To see if the xmltv side of things works run
> tv_find_grabbers
> This should return a list of all the installed grabbers, which should
> include tv_grab_nz-py.
> 5) To see if the myth side of things works run
> mythfilldatabase
> Pay close attention to the output of this. If it looks like it worked,
> the MythWeb status page should also show a successful run.
> 6) On the master backend run mythsetup and
> a) In Video Sources set "New Zealand (py)" as the grabber for your
> Video Source.
> b) In General, on the Mythfilldatabase page (its the last page) enable
> "Automatically run mythfilldatabase". Configure time, frequency, etc
> to suite. Now Myth should use tv_grab_nz-py to update EPG
> periodically. The MythWeb status page shows when it was last run and
> what the results were.
> Robert Fisher
> On 1/11/2017 11:54 AM, "me" <08004us at gmail.com 
> <mailto:08004us at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all
>     Could someone contact me off-list wrt activating the EPG grabber py.
>     I'm Linux literate, and have re-vamped most of the menus for our
>     own needs, but...
>     I need a shove in the right direction to implement the automated
>     script to harvest the fruits of the EPG fairy!
>     After many years of MythTV being in our home, we're getting a bit
>     over missing programs because they are "all new" etc.
>     Many thanks
>     Noel.
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