[mythtvnz] Further advice on set-up

Curtis Walker sultanoswing at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 00:59:49 BST 2017

With regard to your second question, a pi may not have the graphical grunt
to output 1080p from a broadcast source which is interleaved e.g. 720i,

For TV broadcasts, processing determines picture quality - it's not a ready
made hidef video file as it were.

I use and recommend nvidia cards capable of vdpau, feature set c or d,
which allows the highest quality of processing in mythtv. My Intel NUC,
with built in graphics is also OK, but write as sharp. Here's where the pi
may or may not be adequate - will pay to do some research on this

On 23/04/2017 11:35, "Peter Charlesworth" <peter at charlesworth.nz> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Having now progressed some distance down the path of my MythTV set-up, I
> have reached a couple of impasses, and would appreciate some further advice.
>    1. I have successfully “reconfigured” an old computer, keeping the
>    original 500GB hard drive, but installing new motherboard, CPU, SSD and 3TB
>    HD.  I have downloaded Ubuntu, now booting from the SSD, and have
>    successfully partitioned the hard drives. Following the instructions on the
>    MythTV wiki, I have downloaded the “MythTV Backend Master” package, since I
>    wish to use this computer as a separate backend, and this process seemed to
>    complete without any problems.  However, when I attempt to follow the next
>    instructions for “Configuring MythTV” and “MythTV backend setup” (via
>    either the terminal or the Display Manager) the process fails.  The
>    instructions say that I will be prompted for Country and Language, but this
>    does not happen, and I cannot see how to proceed further.
> Can anyone suggest what I can do to advance my situation here?
>    1. I am trying to decide what device to use for a Frontend.  Wade has
>    shown me his use of a MacMini, which is very elegant and powerful.
>    However, I have also read of people using a Raspberry Pi, and note that the
>    following pack with wireless keyboard is available very economically at PB
>    Tech:
> https://www.pbtech.co.nz/product/SEVRBP0107/Raspberry-
> Pi-3-Model-B-Official-Starter-Black-Kit
>         Would anyone with experience with Raspberry Pi as a frontend be
> able to advise me about the pros and cons.  Any other suggestions of
> options for a frontend would also be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Peter
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