[mythtvnz] Almost out of ideas - occasional pixelation only on MythTV

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Mon Oct 17 05:14:39 BST 2016

On 17/10/16 16:24, Stephen Worthington wrote:
> I have never used an HDHR, but the reports about the US versions say
> that the usual cause of problems is the wall wart going bad - that
> typically causes massive ripple on the power supplied to the HDHR,
> which can cause all sorts of symptoms, including pixelation just as
> you are reporting.  However, I do not know if that applies to the NZ
> HDHRs - does anyone know if their power packs go bad too?  In any
> case, if you have another power pack with the right ratings you can
> try, that is something that you can easily test.

 From memory they are a 5V/1A supply on a 2.1mm jack.

It's always possible that the power supply is the issue in this case, 
however out of hundreds I think we've had one bad power supply (which 
was DoA just the other day). I don't believe it's a concern for the 
NZ/AU power supplies.

The HDHomerun in general has proven to be extremely reliable, we've sold 
loads since 2013 and we've had one return in that time which was faulty, 
I think it may have been a firmware issue.


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