[mythtvnz] Just sooo disgusted with Sky...

steve steve at greengecko.co.nz
Sun May 22 05:37:06 BST 2016

On 05/20/2016 10:50 PM, criggie wrote:
> On 20/05/16 14:07, steve wrote:
>> ... as I leave it to SWMBO to pay the bills, I've only just found out
>> how much we're paying to re-re-re-watch the same old crap.
>> So, looking to build up some PVR system to incorporate online /
>> satellite services... no digital terrestrial here!
>> I was looking to build up a backend - as I've got plenty of linux grunt
>> and storage lying around, just not in the living room - and use a
>> TBS6905 card and a couple of dishes - Optus D1 and D2, along with
>> Netflix etc. Comments on card choice?
>> I was also wondering if you've ever need 4 tuners? Anyone got experience
>> with this??? Will 2 be enough?
>> I have a wee solidrun for the frontend, and will be using a harmony
>> remote, from what I've read lately (:
>> Pointers , personal experience / war stories gratefully received.
> Personally, its TV.  I don't really care if its in HD or SD, 99% of
> stuff is kid's crap and movies for Mrs Criggie.
> Online/streaming services aren't really a part of myth.  Probably cos
> there's a lot too much variability in how they're provided, plus
> copyright issues will always be there... I doubt "timeshifting" is a
> justifiable excuse for recording, when the content is streamed on-demand!
> Can you even reliably watch a stream at home?   I do recall the number
> of grumbles from your corner of the harbour about DSL and vodafone.
> If you had snottingly good connectivity at home, you could put your
> backend elsewhere to your frontend(s), like on the Town side of the hill.
> I have two older DVB-S tuners and that's all you need for Satellite
> service, plus a dish / LNB etc.
> Satellite is always Standard Definition, but its still digital so looks
> okay.
> Terrestrial can be High Def or SD.  But the content may be HD or
> up-scaled SD.... its not like MASH is in 1080!
Download speeds are OK... up to 1.2MB/s on ADSL, so that should cover 
most things OK. What I'm looking to do is to replicate what the sky box 
does for max WAF - so selecting freeview, online resources or locally 
stored stuff from the same interface is preferred ( Harmony 650 is on 
it's way! ).

I got the SolidRun box working eventually - apparently if you build it 
up on a system with a dumb monitor, then the option of audio over hdmi 
doesn't get installed. Tedious. Then once I'd got it running in the 
office, I moved it into the house, plugged into the poineer home theatre 
amp I've got, and... no picture. So I think I've had enough of this box, 
and will go mainstream x86_64 hardware instead ( it runs very hot too ).

So I'll probably build a standalone system rather than front/back end 
stuff. Any current hardware recommendations I can stick a PCIe ( 
preferably ) card into to get the satellite feed?

Sorry to be asking so many questions...


Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MIITP
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/steveholdoway
Skype: sholdowa

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