[mythtvnz] Mythbuntu 16.04 user experiences

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 20:47:21 BST 2016

> Restore the database before you adjust any settings that are stored in
> the database, as restoring the database will overwrite anything you
> already have in the existing database on the new system with what is
> in the restored database.  A restore of the database is a complete
> restore - it literally deletes the existing database and installs a
> full database from the backup copy.  If the backup copy says it is an
> older database schema, the first program to read the database and
> discover that will automatically update it to the current schema.
> However, mythfrontend can not do that - only mythtv-setup and
> mythbackend can.  So the best option after restoring a database with
> an older schema is to run mythtv-setup as it has more control about
> schema updates - it asks if it is to go ahead and do it.  Running
> mythbackend works, but just does the update automatically without
> telling you about it.  And if your database is large (like mine), do
> not worry if the first run of mythtv-setup or mythbackend takes ages
> before it is ready, because it will be taking that time doing the
> schema update.  You can keep track of what is happening by doing a
> "tail -f" command on the relevant log file in /var/log/mythtv
> (mythtv-setup.log or mythbackend.log).
> If necessary, you may need to set up the settings outside the database
> before doing a restore of an older database, such as the mysql
> settings to allow access outside the PC and the config.xml file(s).
> This is especially necessary if you are using a backend that does not
> also have a frontend on it to allow you access.
> And the users and permissions for access to the mythcoverg database
> are not stored in the mythconverg database - they are stored in the
> mysql database, so they do not get backed up and restored.  So you may
> need to set them up also to allow access from other than the local PC.
> The MythTV manual has how to do that:
> https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Build_from_Source
> See the "MythTV Database Setup" section.

The mythtv-setup you refer to is the utlity in the menus:  
System->Administration->MythTV Backend Setup  correct?
Not a script?

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