[mythtvnz] Network not starting?

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Mon Sep 22 21:23:45 BST 2014

> It is almost certainly the front end starting before the network.
> There is mythfrontend script in mythbuntu that starts
> mythfrontend.real (ie the binary usuallly called mythfrontend). You
> can put a delay in there, although watch over writing during updates.
> Personally I just escape out of the language box and mythfrontend
> stops and restarts itself, by then the network is up.

OK - I've verified that it is the frontend coming up before the network so
I've added the following into the mythfrontend.sh script to ensure the
network is up.

    until [ `cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate` = 'up' ]
        sleep 1

The name of the interface may change according to udev rules so best to
check with ifconfig what your's is called!!

Robin Gilks

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