[mythtvnz] [OT] Channel change issues. ( was ... Re: tv_grab_nz-py issues)

Chris Bannister cbannister at slingshot.co.nz
Fri Apr 4 10:58:25 BST 2014

On Fri, Apr 04, 2014 at 08:26:10PM +1300, David Lowe wrote:
> After many months of trouble-free running, I am suddenly not getting
> listings with the xmltv error that has been discussed here before.
> "Error in 1:1: unexpected end of file." and 'xmltv returned error code 1'.
> I haven't changed anything in the setup - it just started happening last
> week. My suspicion is that it is related to the 'macron' issue that was
> discussed late last year, but I never struck that issue. I'm also
> suspicious that it happened about the time there were several channel
> changes but that doesn't seem to make sense.

I realise that this is offtopic, but since the channel changes (channel
36 Apna here in Dunedin.) that pressing the <chan up> key on my freeview
box doesn't jump to channel 39 (Dunedin TV) but jumps back to the start
(channel 1) instead. :(

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who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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