[mythtvnz] Upgrade/Reinstall tips

Rob Connolly rob at webworxshop.com
Mon Sep 23 09:29:19 BST 2013

Hi All,

I'm gearing up to do a full reinstall of my Mythbox since my nearly two
year old arch system is feeling increasingly fragile (I haven't touched
it in months because every time I do pacman breaks something).

The plan is to go completely the other way and install debian
stable + backports + debian-multmedia. That should hopefully make it
stable and maintainable for the forsessable future. I've also invested
in a RAM upgrade and an SSD and after some of the issues I've had with
HDD write speed (documented on this list), I'm going to ditch LVM+EXT4
and go with XFS on my RAID 1 array.

As far as I can tell the backup/restore process looks fairly simple for
myth, just backup/restore the database and recordings.

I was wondering if there are any gotchas I should look out for? Or any
tips that anyone can pass on to speed up the process?

I'm also hoping to try out XBMC as an alternative to mythfrontend, since
I see it now has mythtv integration and also integrates with MPD. 
Can anyone comment on how well the PVR functionality works?

Thanks in advance,



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