[mythtvnz] Sky is renumbering its channels on 1-May-2013

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Tue Apr 30 12:32:10 BST 2013

On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 22:12:27 +1200, you wrote:

>On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Hadley Rich <hads at nice.net.nz> wrote:
>> On 30/04/13 20:08, Stephen Worthington wrote:
>>> It must be something else then, as the five bad* channels in my old
>>> channels.conf.sky get added back into the database every day.  I have
>>> not checked exactly when it happens, but I am betting that it is when
>>> I do my EPG updates at 15:10 each day.  Maybe it is mythfilldatabase?
>>> Or tv_grab_nz-py?
>> mythfilldatabase will add channels it finds in the data you feed to it.
>> That's one of the reasons to use tv_grab_nz-py - filtering out the channels
>> you don't want so this doesn't happen.
>You can also use the correct argument to mythfilldatabase to prevent it
>adding channels. Or you can let it add them and then set them as not
>visible. Between those 3 options it's not hard to avoid mystery channels

I thought the channel adding options in mythfilldatabase only applied
to using datadirect.  The options have changed a bit over the last
couple of versions, but that is still what the mythfilldatabase --help
output seems to suggest.

Anyway, I just checked and I am running mythfilldatabase without any
options, so I just need to fix my two *.xmltv files to get it to
filter for the current channels for both sources and I should get rid
of those extra channels appearing.  They would probably be gone anyway
from my updating to use the new epgsnoop channels.conf I created.

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