[mythtvnz] Help-can't get grabber and mythfilldatabase to work right

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 02:20:55 BST 2013

This system is so bloody frustrating.

I have just deleted Video Sources and repeated the set-up procedure.

I have the grabber in usr/local/bin.
I ran mythfilldatabase --manual and selected the channels I want.
I have just added the xmltv ids to the channels in channel editor.

I have followed this method:

setup the grabber
setup the EIT channels
assign each EIT channel an appropriate channel number (up to you, I like  
Prime on 5 myself) and the correct XML ID (look in  
delete the channel number and mark not Visible any channel you don't want  
to see
quit mythtv-setup and run mythfilldatabase --manual - Now all the  
discovered channels will have correct details filled out, and you won't  
get "XMLTV channels" and "EIT channels" and life is good.

When I ran mythfilldatabase --manual it did not ask me to accept or skip  

I still get this:

FillData: xmltv returned error code 2 and Error in 1:1: unexpected end of  

Any help?


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