[mythtvnz] xmltvid and four

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Fri Oct 26 09:27:30 BST 2012

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 18:31:42 +1300, you wrote:

>On 26/10/12 18:20, Michael West wrote:
>> When you run it manually at the terminal from your user account then tv_grab_nz-py uses a config file from your local users home folder.
>> If your user name is worik and your source name is for example freeviewnz then the file it uses for its config would be:
>> /home/worik/.mythtv/freeviewnz.xmltv
>> If mythfilldatabase is run by the mythtv user using the automatic nightly scheduling you can set up in mythtv-setup then it would instead use the config file :
>> /home/mythtv/.mythtv/freeviewnz.xmltv
>> Not sure if this is part of your problem but it caught me out anyway.
>Oh yes, thank you.  That was it.

The easiest way to fix this problem is to have just one .xmltv file,
and use links from the other accounts to point to that one file.  Make
sure the permissions on the file allow mythtv group access.

Mythfrontend does the same trick for the config.xml file too - it gets
it from the current user's home directory.  Usually, the default
installation sets up  /home/<user>/.mythtv/config.xml to point to the
/etc/mythtv/config.xml file, or copies /etc/mythtv/config.xml locally.
But you do need to watch for that.  There is a reason for this setup -
it allows you to use a different config.xml file for a different
login.  I have a login for my mother on my laptop that points
mythfrontend to the database and files on her MythTV box via WiFi, so
she can use it as a remote frontend from the kitchen or out in the
garden.  That would not work without separate config.xml files.

Up to MythTV 0.25, you also need a local
/home/<user>/.mythtv/mysql.txt file or a link back to
/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt.  From 0.26 on, mysql.txt is not used.

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