[mythtvnz] xmltvid and four

Tony Sauri hoiho.nz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 02:36:16 BST 2012

On 25/10/12 14:24, Tony Sauri wrote:
> select * from channel where serviceid = 1301;

On My system I get this output:

mysql> select * from channel where serviceid = 1301 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
            chanid: 1004
           channum: 4
            freqid: 4
          sourceid: 1
          callsign: FOUR
              name: FOUR
              icon: /home/mythtv/.mythtv/channels/1301.png
          finetune: 0
           xmltvid: four.freeviewnz.tv
       recpriority: 0
          contrast: 32768
        brightness: 32768
            colour: 32768
               hue: 32768
          tvformat: Default
          commfree: 0
           visible: 1
     useonairguide: 0
           mplexid: 2
         serviceid: 1301
         atscsrcid: NULL
          tmoffset: 0
   atsc_major_chan: 0
   atsc_minor_chan: 0
       last_record: 2012-10-24 18:59:02
default_authority: crid://mediaworks.co.nz
        commmethod: -1
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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