[mythtvnz] Channel id to name tables: Where are they?

Worik Stanton worik.stanton at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 03:42:34 BST 2012

On 23/10/12 15:19, Steve Hodge wrote:
> Then start mythtv-setup, go into "3 Video sources" and delete the second
> one (highlight it in the list and press 'd'). I expect the second one is
> serviceid 3, and I think it will delete the associated channels, but we
> better check before proceeding. So run the sql again:

I have three sources.  One for each of my tuners and a third for an old
and now obsolete tuner I used in the past.


it does not matter                      I think that I shall never see
how much I dig and dig                    A billboard lovely as a tree
this hole just                      Indeed, unless the billboards fall
keeps getting deeper                      I'll never see a tree at all

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