[mythtvnz] HDMI handshake

Pshem Kowalczyk pshem.k at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 11:45:31 BST 2011


On 4 June 2011 22:13, Robin Gilks <g8ecj at gilks.org> wrote:
>> On 4 Jun 2011 20:56, "criggie" <criggie at criggie.org.nz> wrote:
>>> On 04/06/11 20:21, Pshem Kowalczyk wrote:
>>>> On 4 June 2011 19:50, criggie<criggie at criggie.org.nz> wrote:
>>>>> So, what causes the frontend to crash?

>> Lets do that again...
>> Hi Pshem
>> I to am using Gentoo but ~x86, what portage overlay are you using?

I'm using layman/mt-mythtv. My system is heavily ~amd64 on the
applications side, but core packages  (glibc, qt etc) are all amd64.
I'm running with no multilib - pure 64bit environment. Roughly every 3
months I re-compile the whole world (takes some time ;-) ), to make
sure that everything is where it should be.

>> I'd agree make sure you're using same compile flags and recompile all of
>> mythtv even qt and ffmpeg.  Start mythfrontend with more a verbose log and
>> see if theres any more info in there...

Done, collecting data already :-)

> Top posting corrected, footers trimmed....
> I'm also running Gentoo and not seeing any crashes like that. Many moons
> ago I found that firing up alsamixer and muting then unmuting a few
> controls (especially the spdif ones) always got lost audio back.
> I'm using the git portage stuff which I last emerged on 25th May and it
> gives me the following:
> MythTV Version   : v0.24.1-1-g347cd24
> MythTV Branch    : fixes/0.24
> Network Protocol : 63
> Library API      : 0.24.20110505-1
> QT Version       : 4.7.2
> Options compiled in:
>  linux release using_alsa using_oss using_backend using_bindings_perl
> using_bindings_python using_dvb using_frontend using_hdhomerun
> using_hdpvr using_iptv using_ivtv using_lirc using_mheg
> using_opengl_video using_opengl_vsync using_qtdbus using_qtwebkit
> using_v4l using_x11 using_xrandr using_xv using_bindings_perl
> using_bindings_python using_mythtranscode using_opengl using_vdpau
> using_ffmpeg_threads using_live using_mheg
> Been up for 7 days as of this writing without problems on a 2G diskless
> (and hence swapless) Zotac board.

I word of correction, I'm actually running 0.25-pre:

MythTV Version   : v0.25pre-2102-gfeafcfc-dirty
MythTV Branch    : tree-feafcfc82190e8ed3f70c606a40562c643b6843a
Network Protocol : 66
Library API      : 0.25.20110522-1
QT Version       : 4.7.2
Options compiled in:
 linux release use_hidesyms using_alsa using_backend
using_bindings_php using_dvb using_frontend using_libxml2 using_libudf
using_lirc using_mheg using_opengl_video using_qtdbus using_qtwebkit
using_v4l2 using_v4l1 using_x11 using_xrandr using_xv
using_bindings_php using_mythtranscode using_opengl using_vdpau
using_ffmpeg_threads using_mheg using_libass using_libxml2

As I said - I'm not too concerned about those crashes - I used to have
them on many previous versions as well (which might suggest a deeper
problem, probably memory). At this stage getting the audio back
reliably without full reload is the key.

kind regards

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