[mythtvnz] Satellite tuning data

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sat Dec 3 02:05:00 GMT 2011

I have a TeVii S470 DVB-S2 card that I have only been using for
getting EIT data for EPG, up until now.  I am currently trying to get
it going to receive and record satellite channels, but I am having
problems.  I am unable to get it to scan for channels using w_scan,
scan or dvbscan, or from within MythTV backend setup.  I also tried to
manually create a "transport" for a multiplex in backend setup, but
there seems to be a bug in that code - it offers to create one, but
does not bring up a screen to do it on.  What does work, is using
dvbtune and then scan -c to get the channels on that multiplex.  But
using that to get all the channel data and then manually inputting it
all into the mythconverg database is a massive job.

So I was wondering if anyone out there might be able to provide me
with SQL dumps of the tuning data I need for the available satellite
channels.  I think what I need is dumps of videosource, dtv_multiplex,
diseqc_config, diseqc_tree, channel, channelscan,
channelscan_dtv_multiplex and channelscan_channel.

I think this script (dump_tuning_data.sh) should do the job on a
Mythbuntu setup:


# Dump the tuning data tables from the mythconverg database.

source /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt

tables="videosource dtv_multiplex diseqc_config diseqc_tree channel
channelscan channelscan_dtv_multiplex channelscan_channel"

mkdir tmp
cd tmp

for t in $tables ; do
    echo $t
    mysqldump -u $DBUserName -p$DBPassword -h $DBHostName $DBName $t

tar czf tuning-data.tgz *.sql
rm *.sql
mv tuning-data.tgz ..

cd ..
rmdir tmp

Note that the tables="..." and mysqldump lines are all one long line -
they may be long enough to wrap on your newsreader.

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