[mythtvnz] Slightly OT - which new TV

Brett Davidson brett at davidson.gen.nz
Fri Apr 1 09:25:05 BST 2011

FWIW, I'm in the same boat as Nick except mine was a Panasonic.

I'm looking at the Panasonic V series or maybe a Samsung. (Like the 
Samsung in our bedroom).

The Samsung has DLNA but it won't support any movies I have. (Not even 
my camcorder avi ones). Never used it.
3D is overhyped and I'm not paying for 3D glasses for everyone. Once 
they can make 3D holographically I "might" be in.

When I get round to deciding I'll take a laptop with me and test them 
out. :-)


On 01/04/11 20:43, tortise wrote:
> On 26/03/2011 10:07 a.m., Nick Rout wrote:
>> EQC/Insurance will have to replace our Sony 46" TV, which hit the
>> floor and the centre speaker, rendering it munted (official ChCh
>> term).
>> I really liked the Sony, good picture, 3 or 4 HDMI inputs, does
>> 24/50/60 fps at 1080p, has a setting to get rid of overscan, has
>> proper EDID info, sensible remote control, but was a generation before
>> ethernet connectivity and DLNA.
>> So what should I be looking for in a TV these days, besides the above
>> things. Not sure I really need DLNA, but it might be useful. Is 3D
>> ever going to be worth it?
> Nick I hope you'll let us all know what you decided, why, and did it
> meet your expectations?
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