[mythtvnz] Making MythTV email me with errors

lists at whitehouse.org.nz lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Wed Sep 1 22:58:02 BST 2010

Hello all,

I just happened to log into MythWeb and noticed that I had an error:
Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2010-09-02 03:49 and ended on
2010-09-02 03:49. FAILED: xmltv returned error code 512.
There's guide data until 2010-09-08 00:50 (6 days).

A quick Google suggests that this should be easy to fix (although I have
no idea why it failed after months with no issues), but we are going away
and I could easily have been caught out.

Is there a way (a plugin, a script somebody has written etc) to have
MythTV email errors that are likely to require intervention like:
* this one (a guide update failure);
* a failed recording;
* low space or, if "AutoExpire instead of delete" is turned on, very few
remaining deleted recordings to expire; or
* a failure of mythconverg_backup.pl.

I clearly wouldn't want to be emailed with every entry in the logs (I get
hundreds about reference frames etc).

Thanks in advance,


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