[mythtvnz] Next problem --- Audio over DVI to HDMI

Ross and Jemima Knudsen ross.jemima at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 08:23:41 GMT 2010

Sorry guys,

I'm wanting to play back FreeviewHD recordings as well as DVDs and AV
files etc.

Since I've only got onboard sound (as I think onboard is adequate in
most cases on medium+ end MBs) so it may have limitations.  I'm not
looking for a high spec sound system at this stage as the budget is
limited (hence going for the cheapest HD flatscreen I could find).

Basically the consensus is that I need SPDIF headers on my graphics and
sound cards and connect them to even have a chance of getting this to
work.  I'll open the case sometime and post back about whether this is
going to be viable or not.  However this post:
seems to indicate that it should be possible to send analog sound
without headers.  Anyone know anything about that?

The reason for wanting sound on the HDMI cable is because it simplifies
cabling and because most LCDs are expecting the sound to be sent with
the video. Telling the TV to take sound from another input doesn't sound
like its possible in a lot of cases and appears to be the case in my
situation.  The Analogue sound input seems only to work when using the
VGA interface.

As an interesting side note.  After solving the missing taskbar issue,
now when I boot up the TV says it is displaying DVI (even though there
is no DVI port, its on the HDMI input).  Then in Ubuntu the taskbars are
missing again until I rung nvidia-settings and then the mode switches to
HDMI on the TV and it resizes the screen correctly.  This happens
immediately on launching nvidia-settings without changing anything or
saving a new config.  I think it must be because the basic hardware of
the graphics card is DVI and its not until the nvidia driver loads that
it can switch the output to HDMI over the DVI port.

PS Tortise I also get two of your posts.

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