[mythtvnz] New Backend / Existing Frontends

Tortise tortise at paradise.net.nz
Fri Feb 12 05:52:55 GMT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Brett Miller
To: MythTV in NZ
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] New Backend / Existing Frontends

>From my limited experience...
You need a static IP on the SQL database server box.
This IP can not be local loopback if you have multiple BE or FE on a network working as one system.
Only the local machine can see the SQL database if IP is local loopback.

>Could achieve static IP via setup in your DHCP server (PC box or router/BB modem) by using MAC or name resolution tricks.
(can allocate same IP for the matching MAC address which is fixed to hardware or name)
Ubuntu Gnome 9.04 does seem to allow static IP config via GUI so need to...
Or remove the DHCP client from Ubuntu (dhcp-client3 )& edit the "/etc/network/interfaces"  file.
Config DHCP server (if you have) to exclude the IP numbers you want to allocate manually.
May need to add DNS settings into /etc/resolv.conf

>There is a database procedure to complete when you want to change from local-loopback to a real IP....& before you run 
>any backend processes.
This procedure stops your old records disappearing into the ether ??
This procedure is documented on MythTv site.

>I changed BE IP addr, used above procedure (Mythtv database script) & did not lose any recordings only BE configuration.

Thanks Brett.  The LAN uses a DHCP server and the BE was configured with the Static IP.  SSH etc would not consistently work if that 
was not working properly.  I think the issue was somewhere in the bowels of the database's access rights.  Having run it up again I 
note that there were issues with having to uninstall mythtv when removing the nvidia driver before one can upgrade to the latest. 
Following that one re-installs mythtv and during that an options is presented that requires a tick to allow other users to connect. 
I think the problem arose as I saw the tick requirement as I was pushing the button to continue - and there was no back button.... 
I expected that whatever that did would be easily undo-able, it probably is but I didn't work it out.  Having re-installed it also 
occurred to me that I might have fixed it uninstalling mythtv and resinstalling again....however I'd not put money on that but if it 
worked it would have avoided a complete reinstall.     /etc/resolv.conf also automagically has the correct settings in it!

Curiously having done this all the frontends seem to start off again in their default configs, I had expected they would continue as 
they had been configured.  I had also expected to need to input the new SQL password....just another time I am again wrong in my 
expectations...!  I guess the PnP sends these across.

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