[mythtvnz] DVB-T MHEG EPG

Solor Vox solorvox at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 11:13:44 BST 2010

On 30 April 2010 21:39, Hadley Rich <hads at nice.net.nz> wrote:
> There's a JSON file of programs here;
> http://nzepg.org/programs/+json
> which it could be added to.
> The dd_progid is not in the XMLTV DTD as far as I'm aware. I believe it
> was added by datadirect people though it is used in myth.

That json file doesn't match my data.  For example, I have Magnum as
29585, where as the json file shows 74380.  Others like Mythbusters I
have 103188 vs 73388.  Where did you get that data from?  Is it DVB-S?
 Might be different CRID numbers.

As for the dd_progid, I found it in their example file
http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/XMLTVFormat and not the DTD.  Guess
that is what happens when you have too many firefox tabs open.


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