[mythtvnz] Overlapped recordings on ivtv cards?

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sun Nov 22 13:14:06 GMT 2009

I like to have 1 minute of pre-roll on some of my Sky recordings, so
that I do not miss the beginnings of programs, and usually at least 1
minute of post-roll too so as not to miss the endings.  That is
causing problems as I only have one S-Video input from my PVR-500 ivtv
card connected to my Sky decoder, and it seems that MythTV is not
recording both programs when the pre/post roll causes overlapped
times.  It would be nice if I could just get it to record two programs
at the same time when there is overlap.  Is there some setup somewhere
that I have missed that will make this work?  Would going into the
database manually and setting the option for multirec to 2 work?

I guess I could get a second SCART cable and connect the second
PVR-500 tuner, since it is not used for anything, but SCART cables are
expensive.  Can you get Sky to give you a second one?

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