[mythtvnz] New XMLTV processor - xmltv-proc-nz

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Sun Nov 22 03:10:04 GMT 2009

On Sun, 2009-11-22 at 15:38 +1300, Robin Gilks wrote:
> As one of those that generates his own listings (my preference is to
> NOT have the MythTV box on the 'net) I'm interested on how you link
> everything together.

You probably won't like xmltv-proc-nz then, it gets all it's info via
JSON requests to the 'net :)

> For example - is the  xmltv-proc-nz processing done before (i.e. just
> on the Freeview listings) or after  the tv_cat (xmltv-join) process to
> massage both sky and freeview data? 

Currently it's running on the freeview data file before joining with the
Sky file but I'm planning on joining the files then processing them in
the very near future. That will allow me to do lookups for the movies
etc. on Sky.



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