[mythtvnz] Problem instailling VDPAU on Mythbuntu 9.04 64-bit

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at gmail.com
Wed May 27 10:05:28 BST 2009


2009/5/27 Stephen Worthington <stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz>:
> Setting up libmyth-0.21-0 (1:0.21.0+fixes-20607-openglvdpau-0ubuntu3)

Those packages are for Ubuntu 8.10 ; not Ubuntu 9.04

Check your repository settings, you didn't set it properly

it should read:
deb http://www.avenard.org/files/ubuntu-repos jaunty release

As for your screen, read this thread:

Using the xorg,conf I used it today on that TV with no problem.

Using the native resolution, you can only do 60Hz, if you want 50Hz,
you must use a 1280x720 resolution


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