[mythtvnz] Problem with full disk

James Booth james at booths.net.nz
Sat Mar 21 06:39:50 GMT 2009

I have just got home having been away a few days and discovered that the root 
partition on my Myth box is 100% full (leading to all sorts of problems, of 
course). There are no recordings stored on this partition, it's just the apps 
etc. It is a 56GB partition, and when I last checked it had a good 15GB free. 

Not only can I not work out why it has suddenly filled itself up, but I have 
gone through and deleted various old backup files etc off it, but this does 
not seem to be freeing any space. Using df now shows 54GB out of 56GB used but 
nothing available (100% used).

I'm a bit flummoxed - can anyone offer any suggestions?//
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