[mythtvnz] Sky

David Zanetti dave2 at wetstring.net
Mon Mar 2 00:35:17 GMT 2009

On Mon, 2009-03-02 at 10:24 +1300, James Booth wrote:
> Can anyone explain what Sky has to gain/protect by restricting  
> customers to using only Sky-supplied decoders? Would it really be a  
> problem for them to supply CAM's for use in HTPC's etc?

Their boxes honor the restrictions they want. CAMs don't.

Getting CAMs as an accepted method really needs a law change around
monopolies and box lock-in. Some countries have this, most don't. Given
the climate around copyright and content at the moment, I believe it
would be accurate to say you've got a snowballs chance in hell of
getting something passed to open up the boxes.

But if a campaign to force the boxes open was started, I would very
happily support it.

David Zanetti <dave2 at wetstring.net>
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