[mythtvnz] EPG on Freeview HD (terrestrial)

Ross and Jemima Knudsen ross.jemima at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 08:01:28 GMT 2009

I've attached a screen dump to show what I mean.  Note channel 3 and 4
only display dots.  It looks similar in Mythtv program guide.

This is what I am using for xmltvid:


On 16/02/2009, Nick Rout <nick.rout at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Ross and Jemima Knudsen
> <ross.jemima at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> You're right, I meant the tv_grab_nz-py script.  I didn't realise this
>> was the source for the info using that.  I thought that this script
>> was the web scraper option, my bad.
>> Well I seem to have problems with this script.  Sometimes (especially
>> channel 3 and 4) all that comes up in mythweb is a "." for the program
>> instead of the program name.  In the frontend is similar where it
>> doesn't have the program data correct, I think it might be blank (I
>> can't recall exactly as I prefer mythweb to program recordings).  Any
>> idea why this is happening?
> But you're saying it is OK in mythweb? If so I am not sure what the
> problem is, perhaps a gui/theme/font issue - does it still happen if
> you change themes?
> What xmltvid do you use for 3/4. tv_grab_nz-py gives the option of
> tv3.freeview.nz or tv3.sky.co.nz (not sure if those are the exact
> names, but you get the idea. Similar for c4.)
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