[mythtvnz] Reinstall problems

Ross and Jemima ross.jemima at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 10:03:55 BST 2008

Hi everyone,

Well after getting my system just the way I liked it I promptly did 
something stupid and broke it!  Sigh.  So I am busy reinstalling it.  I 
originally had trouble getting my system to scan for channels.  Last 
time I think I found someone had posted a repository source which had 
some patches which fixed my machine last time around.  But now I can't 
seem to find the post.  I am using a DVB-T card (WinTV Nova T 500).  Is 
anyone else using DVB-T and do you know where this software source is?  
I'd rather not try patching the system myself so if possible adding the 
software source to apt reps would be best.

Thanks all.

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