[mythtvnz] Upgrade Mythbuntu 7.10 to 8.04lts to get 0.21

Graeme Woollett graeme.joy at paradise.net.nz
Thu Sep 25 10:16:09 BST 2008

Noel & Di wrote:
> Hi all
> I currently run Ubuntu 7.10 and want to get the new multi-rec capability 
> of myth 0.21.  What is the simplest way to upgrade - (I have ceased my 
> efforts trying to get myth to use a second HDD for expanded  storage, 
> lack of knowledge and fruitless hours of perusing the forums has taken 
> it's toll on the WAF).  Should I use Mythbuntu's package manager to 
> upgrade - then how do I get 0.21 in there without losing all my 
> previously recorded programs? 
> Thanks
> Noel,
> an old DOS junkie who is slowly coming to grips with linux.
Mythtv 0.21 should be in the 7.1 backports branch of Ubuntu.  It may not 
be as current as in Hardy

 From past experience I now have 2 partitions on my machine for system 
volumes - one for stable and one for testing, these alternate...
A good idea to have your recordings on a different filesystem  to your 
system volume!  Now that 0.21 has storage directories, there is no need 
to use things like LVM, which sometimes can be hit and miss when 
installing a new OS version

Lots of information at 
http://mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-23.html#ss23.5 for saving and 
restoring your present database to a file.

I have rebuilt my myth system with a new Ubuntu release a number of times. 
Using mysqldump as above in the old OS to save your program listings
Then clean off system partition, Install fresh OS.
Use mysql to drop the new database made by the installer
Then load your saved one in.
Some password changes may have to be made
Keep the hostname the same in the new install.

Lots of info both at mythtv.org and mythtv wiki

If you're upgrading rather than a fresh install use the update-manager 
utility, doesn't always go smoothly though, you may end up with a broken 
system if unlucky.

Either way backup your database before doing anything serious.

Good luck.

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