[mythtvnz] Quality & Damage Question

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Wed Oct 1 01:39:31 BST 2008

On Thu, 2 Oct 2008 12:24:48 +1300, you wrote:

>Hi all,
>Sorry for not replying to the list for so long. I forgot to mention in 
>my previous e-mails in this thread that I shutdown my computer every 
>night, (unless I want it to record something while I'm sleeping) it's 
>not a 24/7 mythtv server like most of you have. I've come to the 
>conclusion that I did not damage my TV card and my slight picture 
>problem was there before I messed around with lm-sensors, I just didn't 
>I think my picture problem is to do with deinterlacing. I have an ATI 
>graphics card, which I understand is not good for hardware 
>deinterlacing. I'm thinking of replacing it with an Nvidia, what is the 
>best Nvidia card for hardware deinterlacing?
>Steve :)

If we ever get H.264 accelerated drivers, then you want an 8000 series
(8600?) or above to support that.  I have an 8600 GT in my Windows box
and an 8600M GT in my laptop and they both do accelerated H.264 nicely
under Vista.

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