[mythtvnz] Hardy updates breaks schedule

Criggie criggie at criggie.dyndns.org
Mon Jun 30 02:35:10 BST 2008

Nick Rout wrote:
> It should be well hidden from the net behind a firewall (I
> have been known to want access to mythweb from work and I go through a
> rigmarole of opening a port in my firewall remotely, accessing
> mythweb, then closing the hole).

Agreed - for most people I'd suggest some combination of VPN and/or host
restrictions in http server.

Nick - you could lock down the mythweb install with   Allow from  
somewhat like this stanza, but other users at your work could still have
access... may need to turn on authentication too if that's an issue.

<Directory "/var/www/webalizer">
    AllowOverride None
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from .criggie.dyndns.org 10.28.
    Allow from .clug.org.nz 192.168. .clug.net.nz 127.
    Deny from all



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