[mythtvnz] Detect manual power-on and start MythFrontend - how?

Matt Poff matt.poff at headfirst.co.nz
Mon Jun 2 08:46:26 BST 2008

Having some trouble getting this workflow to stick on my Ubuntu Gutsy/ 
0.21 Myth installation. By default I launch MythWelcome when the Myth  
user logs-in - this means that if the machine has been woken  
automatically, a program records and then it shuts down automatically  
but if it's a manual start the user can load the front-end manually  
which prevents an auto shutdown.

I'd like to set things so if I manually power the machine on I don't  
need to launch the frontend manually - it's a pain having to wait  
around for the system to boot so I can launch the frontend from  
MythWelcome. What's the best way to do this? There don't appear to be  
any init hooks available to MythWelcome to test how the machine was  
started up. Mythbackend has the $status var for detecting a manual or  
auto start-up but this isn't used by MythWelcome.

Curious to know how others are handling this (if at all)?

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