[mythtvnz] Freeview Channels & EPG's and such like (a little confused)

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 04:54:44 BST 2007

finally got round to this. running update-xmltvids.py I get
"channels.confappears to be out of date"

This seems to be triggered by the test:

for line in channel_info:
                if line == '# CHANNEL_ID|XMLTVID|NAME|ICON|WEBSITE':
                        channel_file_ok = True
        if not channel_file_ok:
                sys.stderr.write('channels.conf appears to be out of

The relevant line in channels.conf is


These files were downloaded a few minutes ago.

I suspect channels.conf has in fact moved on.

What to do Hads?

On 10/9/07, Hadley Rich <hads at nice.net.nz> wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 October 2007 11:42:34 Nick Rout wrote:
> > I have been away 4 weeks and in that time we seem to have more channels
> and
> > so on available on Freeview.
> >
> > I have  DVB-S card and a PVR-150, but I am only interested in freeview
> > channels, not Sky via composite or analogue channels via the PVR-150
> (which
> > is in fact therefore redundant I guess).
> >
> > At present I am getting http://epg.pvr.geek.nz/epg/listings.xml.gz and
> have
> > the channels lined up as follows:
> >
> > 1031.dvb.guide TV1
> > 1032                TV2
> > 1025                Maori TV
> > 1033                TV3
> > 1034                C4
> >
> > As far as I can see I should now also be able to get Stratos and TVNZ6
> (is
> > this TVNZ Sport Extra?). However some of these don't seem to be in the
> epg
> > file.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me in words of one syllable how to get the most out of
> my
> > system, assuming these new channels are any good at all? I am still on
> > myth-0.20, mainly because I am scared to update my box which is running
> > well. Knoppmyth also doesn't seem to have got as far as 0.20.2 yet
> either.
> The issue is that the PIDs for the channels now conflict between Sky and
> Freeview because of all the new channels.
> To combat this we've come up with the new XMLTVIDs for the different
> sources.
> They look like so;
> tv1.freeviewnz.tv
> tv1.sky.co.nz
> This allows us to get around the duplicate problem. Unfortunately this
> means
> you need to update the database for the new XMLTVIDs. I put a script that
> I
> used for myself and a few friends here;
> http://epg.pvr.geek.nz/epg/update-xmltvids.py
> http://epg.pvr.geek.nz/epg/channels.conf
> (you'll need the channels.conf file to go with it). Of course if it's just
> the
> freeview channels it's probably easy enough to do by hand.
> If you go this route then you can either use the listings-sky.xml.gz,
> listings-freeview.xml.gz or listings-all.xml.gz file (listings-all is a
> combined file of the other two).
> All of these files use the new XMLTVID format. Currently there's more work
> gone into working with the data from the Sky data so I would still
> recommend
> using the .sky.co.nz XMLTVIDs for those channels which you can (1, 2, 3,
> 4,
> etc.).
> These files are generated by the new version of epgsnoop which you could
> also
> use if you wanted.
> Hope this helps,
> hads
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