[mythtvnz] Recording Drive Format type

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Thu Oct 11 06:08:12 BST 2007

On Thursday 11 October 2007 17:56:54 Neil Henwood wrote:
> I'm in the middle of setting up a replacement box for Myth, and wanted
> to ask on here what drive format is commonly used for the disks that
> store recordings.

I use JFS personally presently, XFS is also popular. Now that myth can delete 
recordings without problems off ext3 filsystems there's no real reason not to 
use ext3.

> I am going to do is to have a disk dedicated to recordings and use LVM
> so that I can add and remove disk as needed.

0.21 will be out soonish which has support for storage groups. Storage groups 
allow you to add and remove directories from your myth setup at your leisure. 
The advantage over LVM (apart from ease of setup) is that myth will find a 
recording in any storage group so you can move files around without database 
worries. They work really well.

If you're only using LVM for the ease of adding and removing drives then this 
may make you think twice.


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