[mythtvnz] Listings 1hour out of whack

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sat Oct 6 01:46:32 BST 2007

On Sat, 6 Oct 2007 12:33:58 +1300, you wrote:

>The mythtv machine is running ubuntu Feisty, and as mentioned in other posts
>(I also found some posts online) php has updated timezone information,
>however it hasn't been released as a package for ubuntu.. I found the source
>for the updates but havent had a chance to apply them.. And now that its
>Saturday im assuming all my problems will disappear tonight anyway.. 
>Ill just hope they do release an updated php package by the end of the
>daylight savings time.. 
>Thanks everyone for your help.. Im totally amazed at how many hassles ive
>had due to daylight savings changes.. Most peoples PC's were patched,
>however next to no-ones phones, pda's, various software packages etc all had
>Next time they change daylight savings time I say we all just agree to start
>work an hour earlier etc.. Why do we feel the need to change the numbers we
>refer to on watches etc.. They are an arbitrary measurement of time
>Kyle Carter

I do not see why we have to install patches to change daylight saving.
It should be like it was on my Cisco router - just a change to the
daylight saving setting, a simple adjustment of the numbers.  Sure,
the Windows users probably need Microsoft to hand feed them a patch,
but even there, there should be the option to just change some
settings.  And surely in the Linux world, having to download a patch
is a bit extreme.  I was very surprised to find that there was not a
simple setting in etc to change.

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