[mythtvnz] Three cards and I'm still getting problems!

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Sat Nov 10 22:07:12 GMT 2007

On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 00:16:43 Dean Pemberton wrote:
> Yep Nick's right.
> I have the global setting of 5 mins under and over run and this doesn't
> force my 3 sources to do the right thing.
> If I want it to do what Alan describes then I have to go into the
> specific recording and set 5 mins at the start and 5 min at the end.
> It seems that the global setting is more of a Hint than anything else
> when it comes to conflicts.

There's a couple of ways to set recording under/overrides which do different 

In Settings -> TV Settings -> Recording Priorities -> Set Recording Properties 
(Page 1) you can set default 'Start Early' and 'End Late' times. If you set 
these it will cause conflicts and will stop back to back programs from 
recording if you don't have enough available tuners.

In Settings -> TV Settings -> General (Page 4) you can set 'Time to record 
before start of show' and the end of. If you set these then myth will record 
before and after a show if there's an available tuner, otherwise it won't and 
won't cause conflicts.

There's also the settings for a specific recording as you mentioned already.


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