[mythtvnz] Recorded items showing in Previous Recordings but not under Watch Recordings...?!

Hadley Rich mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 28 May 2007 09:11:03 +1200

On Mon, 28 May 2007 08:50:22 Matt Poff wrote:
> I recorded three shows last night using the EPG. Disk activity and load
> on the system suggests the shows were recorded. Now, when I search for
> them in the "Show Recordings" menu they don't appear. The only place
> they appear is in the "Previous Recordings" and "Delete Recordings"
> menus. Am I missing something really simple here and/or has anyone else
> hit this problem?

It sounds a lot like this to me;


On an unrelated note; Please start a new thread when you post a message to the 
mailing list. Every message you have sent to the list lately has hijacked 
someone else's thread. For those of us with threaded mail clients it's quite 


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