[mythtvnz] Good Story re Freeview and PVR's on NZ Herald

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 09:29:39 +1200

Tim, Donna & Erin Gibson wrote:
> Yes Prime... wonder if there are any other free-to-air tv channels in the 
> world where you have to subscribe to a pay tv provider to get it....
> If Sky really wanted to increase it's advertising revenues they would have 
> Prime and Sky1 on Freeview from day one, never mind any of 
> this "contractually we can't" they can renegotiate the contract at any time, 
> and if you want sports then get Sky Sport package, mmm another increase in 
> their revenues.
The freeview (note lower case now) channels are very very hard to get in
AU off the freeview transponders. You need a 4m+ dish I believe.


Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
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