[mythtvnz] Hmmmm

Hayden Barker mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:04:34 +1200

I agree that the information that I have seen/read and hopefully now
have access to is far superior on this list than the HOURS AND HOURS !
i have spent trying to set up using google alone. I swear that I have
tried to google and search myth tv nz and it wasn't till i really
drilled hard that I came across the myth tv mailling list and via that
I found mythtv.co.nz. I am quite a seasoned internet user (mmmmmm.....
at least 10ish years) and I think a no.8 wire explanation of how to
set up a mythtv type PVR would be great. I mean we are NZ !

There are plenty of people who could score an appropriate pc from a
work writeoff or a mate and could get the bare minimum of a 150 card
to get started !

It's a great idea and use of slightly lesser technology, lets get more
people involved through simplicity !

Just an idea.... I don't mean to join a list and be a loud mouth....
after all I am really here seeking assistance.....

Comments incouraged !



Mobile/SMS : +6421643104
Email :  hayden.barker@gmail.com