[mythtvnz] PVR 150 irblaster and sky

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Sun Dec 9 10:34:47 GMT 2007

> Thank you everyone for your help. I finally have got this going by
> following the instructions at this page
> http://losdos.dyndns.org:8080/public/mythtv-info/IR-BLASTER-HOWTO.html,
> using a serial IR transmitter.

I recall starting to go down that route a couple of years ago - messy -
very messy!! And if you do an update, everything suddenly stops working

I can't remember at what point lirc started to support this, but there is
already a facility to have a 'master' and 'slave' versions of lirc running
concurrently. I use it with a serial IR blaster and a usb mce IR receiver.

My system is Gentoo so the commands may look a little odd so I've included
a 'hand crafted' version (not tested) that doesn't rely on the Gentoo
start/stop processing and configure scripts to at least start up the 2
lircd daemons with their respective devices. The only catch I found was
ensuring that the devices loaded in the correct order to ensure that
/dev/lirc/0 & 1 were consistant.

cat /diskless/etc/conf.d/lircd
# Options to pass to the lircd processes
LIRCD_OPTS="--driver=default --device=/dev/lirc0 --output=/dev/lircd
--pidfile=/var/run/lircd.pid --connect=localhost:8765"
LIRCD_OPTS1="--driver=default --device=/dev/lirc1 --output=/dev/lircd1
--pidfile=/var/run/lircd1.pid --listen"

cat /diskless/etc/init.d/lircd

start() {
        ebegin "Starting lircd"
        start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/lircd.pid --quiet
--exec /usr/sbin/lircd -- ${LIRCD_OPTS}
        start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/lircd1.pid --quiet
--exec /usr/sbin/lircd -- ${LIRCD_OPTS1}
        eend $?

stop() {
        ebegin "Stopping lircd"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/lircd.pid
--exec /usr/sbin/lircd
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/lircd1.pid
--exec /usr/sbin/lircd
        eend $?

========= untested ! to start the 2 lircd instances ===========

        /usr/sbin/lircd "--driver=default --device=/dev/lirc0
--output=/dev/lircd --pidfile=/var/run/lircd.pid
        /usr/sbin/lircd "--driver=default --device=/dev/lirc1
--output=/dev/lircd1 --pidfile=/var/run/lircd1.pid --listen"

Robin Gilks

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