[mythtvnz] apology Re: New To List

Steven Ellis steven at openmedia.co.nz
Sat Dec 1 11:21:48 GMT 2007

Dean Pemberton wrote:
> I'm watching this space for the time when I can buy a commercially 
> supported MythTV box for my parents and not have to "Come over for 
> Dinner" to fix it. =)
> As with everything on the Internet.  If something gets out of hand, 
> there are more than enough people to tell you about it.
I actually have customers who wanted a working box but no ongoing
support except in real emergencies. Just to have a platform they know
will work and that they can go away and play with.


Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
email   - steven at openmedia.co.nz
sales   - sales at openmedia.co.nz
support - support at openmedia.co.nz
website - http://www.openmedia.co.nz

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