[mythtvnz] apology Re: New To List

Dean Pemberton dean at deanpemberton.com
Sat Dec 1 08:52:04 GMT 2007

Criggie wrote:
> However now that I have - what does the list membership think about
> postings with any commercial content?
I don't mind given the amount that Steve gives back to the MythTV 
community in NZ.  The amount of effort he's spent on the DVB-T stuff 
recently, the effort trying to get Imparja working on Myth etc.

I'm more than happy to cut him a little slack.  And given that it's 
actually a valid suggestion, even more so.  There are going to be people 
who enjoy setting up boxes themselves (like me), but there are also 
those who don't.

I'm watching this space for the time when I can buy a commercially 
supported MythTV box for my parents and not have to "Come over for 
Dinner" to fix it. =)

As with everything on the Internet.  If something gets out of hand, 
there are more than enough people to tell you about it.


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