[mythtvnz] 0.20

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:07:17 +1200

Steve Hodge wrote:
> So how many people out there are using 0.20, and how are finding it?
> I'm considering upgrading this weekend...
Quite a bit of pain, but some pleasure too.

Got some strange audio issues I don't see with 0.19 where the audio
mutes until I reboot.

Couple of XvMC issues have reappeared that were fixed in 0.19-fixes

Just feels a lot slower to respond as well which I can't quite understand.

Not a lot of new eye candy except the OpenGL mode which needs speeding up.

MythArchive and the Internal DVD player are nice, but some of my disks
crash the Internal DVD Player but work with Xine.

Also make sure you get the most current fixes otherwise MythWeb is unusable.

Looks like i'll be waiting on some more upstream fixes before I let this
anywhere near a customer.

Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
email   - steven@openmedia.co.nz
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