[mythtvnz] Feedback Requested - MythWeb based Virtual Remote Control

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 00:23:02 +1300

Nick Rout wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Nov 2006 22:27:31 +1300
> Steven Ellis <steven@openmedia.co.nz> wrote:
>> Nick Rout wrote:
>>> Not sure what feedback you are after, but it sounds like a good idea. 
>>> I saw another project which prodiced an on screen remote - I think it
>>> was a kommander script. To communicate with mythtv it just piped an
>>> echo command to telnet (to the mythtv remote control port).
>>> Not every implemetation of telnet will accept a pipe.
>>> Here is is: http://www.luckies.nl/remotekommander/
>> Problem with that was it was Linux only.
>> I'm after something that can work with any OS via a web browser.
>> Particular focus is for people who can't use a normal remote control.
>> There should be an update with some gui changes shortly
>> Steve
> Yep understand all that. I was just pointing out that it may give you
> some ideas. Keep up the good works.
I've done a minor update to the design at

Some IE layout issues though. Any pointers on CSS roll overs and IE6?


Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
email   - steven@openmedia.co.nz
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