[mythtvnz] Query about effectiveness of ad skipping

David Zanetti mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 08 Feb 2006 15:29:41 +1300

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On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 15:02 +1300, Jason Haar wrote:
[ad skipping doesn't always work]
> Is this a black art, or are there "magic settings" I should be using?

It's a black art. Actually, black is an important factor :)

In the US, ad breaks are _very_ distinctive. There's a decent amount of
black-level video either side of the set of commericals. In NZ, we don't
cut ads in that way, it's done frame-accurate so there's rarely more
than one frame of black, if any.

That makes it much much harder to do ad detection here.

I believe that's what Myth does (black-level detection), but I'm sure
someone with more knowledge of the internals will correct me :)

David Zanetti <david.zanetti@catalyst.net.nz>
Team Leader, Systems Administration
Catalyst IT Limited
+64-4-8032233 +64-21-402260

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