[mythtvnz] Mythfrontend on a mac

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 20:15:27 +1300

>  >>Does anyone here have mythfrontend working on a macintosh?
>>  Got one on a G4 and one on a G5.  Using the 0.18.1-fixes build from
>>  the snipedpad.com.
>>  Why? 8)
>No problems yet - its just quite fiddly with lots of interlinking bits.
>I've got fink installed, currently working on getting a C compiler in so I
>can compile lame (which is source only in fink's archives)
>Its only a G3 at 350 MHz - I do hope it has enough snot to run.  Then
>again the celeron 500 works okay.

I just used the prebuilt binaries, much easier than rolling your own. 
On the snot front, it depends on what your video files are.  A G4 450 
hiccups on 720x576 MPEG2, and a G3 is missing the altivec stuff of 
the G4, so I hope your files are lower res than that.

Has your celeron got a graphics card that works for XvMC?

  - Wade