[mythtvnz] Seeking within DVB-S recordings

AlanP mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:49:04 +1300

At 04:02 a.m. 26/12/2006, you wrote:
>I haven't changed those settings -- as far as I know. If someone has been 
>titoo'ing with them then they are going to get ALL the blame for this.

I sat down and went through the box yesterday.

First step? Stop mythbackend, stop mysql, and check the tables' integrity. 
I decided to do the obvious thing and do it with 'myisamchk *.MYI > 
log.log' so I could page up and page down at leisure. Not a single thing 
came up in log.log, which seemed mildly screwy. I tried 'myisamchk *.MYI | 
more', to examine the output as myisamchk was producing it.

Why oh why oh why do the errors and warnings NOT get passed to log.log?! I 
checked the tables a fortnight ago when this started happening with a >, 
got nothing, and thought it was something else. I could have fixed this two 
weeks ago.


I fixed recordedmarkup.MYI, ran mythcommflag --rebuild --all, and all is 
now right with the world. Except for how B1 keeps crashing my backend, but 
that's a whole 'nother story.

Just thought y'all would like to hear that I fixed this. The really screwy 
part was that transcoded NUVs worked, PVR150 mpegs worked, but DVB-S mpegs 
shat themselves when trying to seek through them.

Just make sure that you lot don't make my mistake. myisamchk can't redirect 
it's error and warning output to a logfile AT ALL. You need to pipe it to 
more, which CAN pause the error and warnings as they're being produced. God 
knows why a pipe picks it up and a redirect doesn't.

Alan Podjursky                  ICQ 24423014
"Yay, evil evil! Happy torture!" -- Gwyneth
"When in doubt, use brute force." -- Ken Thompson