[mythtvnz] MythTV integration

Mike Dilger mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 15 Aug 2006 12:19:40 +1200

Steve wrote:
> Always the way.. Why don't you ship X as it is my favorite program for
> doing Y. I'm open to suggestions, but where possible try to stick to the
> MythTV core as sudden application changes that have different navigation
> confuses customers.

Craig Box wrote:
> I just looked at yammi (I've seen amarok before) - none of these things are
> really designed to be driven with a remote control.

Just by way of clarification, I wasn't suggesting Yammi for a product,
or for anyone with a CRT TV.  Yes, I use the keyboard when I want to
adjust the playlist.. but can use the remote for general play functions
(volume, pause, skip to next song, etc).  Yammi works for me because of
the categories (I want my music to match my mood, and some songs go into
multiple categories, you can't do that with genres) and because it
doesn't bog down with huge music libraries.   I also think yammi might
have some KDE lib dependencies (my binary does, but it might compile
without, I haven't tried).

Now that I'm having fun programming Qt/C++, maybe I'll update yammi to
use lirc...
