[mythtvnz] MythTV integration

Mike Dilger mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 14 Aug 2006 13:31:51 +1200

Open Media Support wrote:
>> And I've got these great remote buttons that have been unused:  "TV",
>> "Music", "Video", Go", "Radio", etc.  If I press "Music" on my remote, I
>> want to be taken to yammi, regardless of what program I'm in the middle
>> of.   If I press TV, I want to be taken to MythTV...  If I press Video,
>> I want to be taken to xine.  If I press Go, I want firefox to take over.
> You can get all of these to work with a standard Knoppmyth install.
That is what I expected (and hoped).  Coolness for you knoppmyth folks. 
Why I roll my own I don't know, but it makes me happy.   I suppose it is
a control issue, feeding into a need-for-knowledge issue.  But enough of
my psychobabble.

>  Our
> myPVR units have a customer lircrc file and MythTV Keymap that means that
> they work as expected.
So these myPVR units are a commercial venture?  Here in NZ?  Could I
have bought one from you and saved myself the months of effort to learn
about and construct my media center?  Or alternatively, are you hiring?
> Whilst I agree that the webplugin is dreadful, it is no good using the web
> on a standard CRT anyway. I'm assuming you have a plasma or LCD TV?
LCD.   Actually I'm using my office monitor for the time being, but I'm
hoping to get one of those big LCDs or plasmas one day when I'm rich...

Yeah, my couch is like 4 feet from the thing.
> Music wise the MythMusic plug in is basic but enough for most people.
I suppose I use yammi because I have extensively sorted my music with it
already, and now that the effort has paid off, why go backwards?
